
This blog is mainly my devotional thoughts and musings about life, parenthood, marriage. I want to leave this as a legacy to my children so they know what their mother believed and thought. My life purpose is to know and love God and to serve Him whole-heartedly. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5, 6

Friday 23 November 2018

Visions of Encouragement

"And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. " ~ Joel 2:28

"Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between the spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues.  All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and He distributes them to each one just as He determines." ~ 1 Corinthians 12:7-11

There is a dear lady at my church who has become one of my prayer warriors.  She sees visions from the Lord, and she shares them with me to encourage me.  I wanted to record them here so I don't forget and so that others can be encouraged.

Her first vision came about a year ago.  This lovely woman, Gill, sits a few rows behind my family at church.  She came up to me after church and said that as we were worshiping in song, she saw a vision of a dove above my head, and that it meant that God's peace was with me.

Her next vision was a few weeks later.  She said that as I raised my hands in worship while we were singing, she saw God reach down and hold my hand.  It brought tears to my eyes to know that God is so near.

Another vision she saw of me was again during worship.  I was raising my hands again, and she said she saw God kiss my forehead as I sang praises to Him.

Another time, she said that I was playing the piano, she saw a vision of a cross behind me. The cross was empty because Jesus was sitting beside me as I played.

Recently, when I received news that my oral chemo had stopped working, she told me she had a vision of me in a boat, and there were many people in the boat with me, rowing it.  She told me I had a crew of warriors with me as I fight this battle.  Later that week, I was at the ladies' Bible study at my church, and another lady said she felt that everyone needed to pray for me.  I sat in the middle of a group of godly women as they laid hands on me and prayed for healing. Afterwards, Gill came up to me and said, "There's your crew of rowers in the boat with you!" and I started crying!  I have so much support from my church family and from God Himself.

About a month ago, Gill brought me a meal after I had gone through chemo, and she said she had a vision of a rainbow.  Then as she was driving, a sermon came on the radio about Noah and the ark, and she knew it was for me to go along with her vision.  She did some research, and she said the ark is a symbol of God's protection and that I'm safe in God's arms.

Gill recently left for Florida for the winter, but she's keeping in touch with me via email.  A few weeks ago, she sent me this message:

"I have been praying for you daily. This morning I had a new experience. God gave me glorious colours as we talked about you. First there was an amazing blue, followed by a rich purple. Then came blue and purple together.They swirled about each other like the Northern Lights. It was quite breath-taking. Slowly a deep red joined the pattern before they faded into a warm light.

I understand that in Scripture these colours symbolize Holy Spirit, royalty/authority and Jesus.  I know that Jesus loves you dearly and Holy Spirit is very close.  I promise to keep praying for you and your family."

How beautiful is that?  What an encouragement from the Lord!

Then last week, I received this message from her:

"I am so sorry that you and your family have to go through all this. My first reaction was tears, then anger at the scourge that cancer is, but that pushed my Faith and Trust Action buttons.

I believe that there was a reason God led you to recommend the Elijah Bible Study to the group. I feel I am to be like Elijah's servant. In obedience to Jesus, I will go daily to the mountain top, stand on the Rock of my Salvation and look heavenward. 

7 is the number of completion in Scripture. I will stand and look in expectation for the raincloud of Abundant Provision as many times as it takes. All the rowers in the boat are, like Elijah, praying.

In my mind I see you in a blue mantle, the colour of Holy Spirit, swaddled in His love. I also believe in the absolute goodness and faithfulness of our God - and miracles.

I pray "Shalom" over you and your family and  send you a "virtual hug".   Keep reaching up, remember God is reaching down."

I am so grateful for this godly woman who is praying for me and sharing her visions with me.