
This blog is mainly my devotional thoughts and musings about life, parenthood, marriage. I want to leave this as a legacy to my children so they know what their mother believed and thought. My life purpose is to know and love God and to serve Him whole-heartedly. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5, 6

Wednesday 13 June 2007

More On Colossians 2

"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ." (v. 8)

It is so easy to fall into the world's philosophy. A lot of things sound right, but they're not. Fairness is a big thing that comes to mind, especially as a former teacher and as a parent. The world wants things to be fair. You work, you get paid. If someone has something, then you should have it too. Your brother gets to do this, so you should get to do it too. Sounds reasonable, but is it based on Christ's principles? Jesus promised us we would be persecuted for our faith. Is that fair? No, but it is reality. I have to remind myself and my boys (though they're pretty young to grasp this yet) that life isn't fair. People will do things that are not right, and they will still get rewards. People will take things from you and get away with it. It is so hard to raise children with godly principles when the world's philosophy is so much different. Take what you can get. You have the RIGHT to... Rights and fairness are not part of God's vocabulary. We are to surrender ourselves to God's will and allow Him to take care of the results. I like the wording "see to it that no one takes you CAPTIVE". When we buy into the world's thinking, we are captive prisoners to it. I have to be so careful to spend time in God's Word so I know what is true and right, not what sounds true and right according to the world. I pray that God will reveal that truth to my boys as well, and that they won't be disheartened when the world doesn't follow God's truth as they do. I pray they will choose to follow God and His leading and that they would know the Word and follow it even when no one else it.

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