
This blog is mainly my devotional thoughts and musings about life, parenthood, marriage. I want to leave this as a legacy to my children so they know what their mother believed and thought. My life purpose is to know and love God and to serve Him whole-heartedly. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5, 6

Thursday 28 February 2008

My Birthday

Well, today is my 34th birthday. I have to say that this has been one of my best birthdays ever! My mom sent me flowers yesterday and we had a great chat on the phone.

This morning, I went out for a bit, and when I got home, this beautiful picture was in my mailbox. My sister-in-law, Twyla, drew this for me. It's a picture of my dad with Adam and Noah. Since he passed away ten years ago, he never got to meet my kids. I know he would have made a wonderful grandpa. I had tears in my eyes when I saw this. It's amazing how much my boys look like my dad. What a wonderful gift. I know we'll all see each other in heaven and my dad will meet his grandsons, but for now, this is a wonderful reminder of my dad.

Then at noon, my friend, Sherri, showed up with lunch for me and we had a great visit. Later, my other sister-in-law, Wendy, stopped by with a vase of lilies for me. She had decorated the vase with Stampin' Up! Rub-Ons! A woman after my own heart! LOL!

My boys actually slept this afternoon so I had some time to myself. Very nice!

When Ian gets home, we're all going out for supper. It will be nice to not have to cook!

All in all, a great day.

1 comment:

Asia said...

Happy B-day. I hope that you had wonderful one. I lve that picture Your b-day is the same day as my aunite. I am sorry that your dad passed, when I was 8 years old my dad died and now I am 19, I miss him. Well, just wanted to say happy b-day. God bless you