
This blog is mainly my devotional thoughts and musings about life, parenthood, marriage. I want to leave this as a legacy to my children so they know what their mother believed and thought. My life purpose is to know and love God and to serve Him whole-heartedly. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5, 6

Tuesday 29 January 2008

Adam's First Spending Spree!

Adam received his first piggy bank for Christmas this year, and Grandpa King was more than happy to fill it up with coins for him! So Adam was very excited to go to the store with Daddy and spend some of his money.

I gave him two dollars in quarters to spend when he and Daddy went into the city. Ian was picking something up for me at Michaels, so Adam was very excited to be able to buy something crafty!

He found this balloon paper in the scrapbooking section, and he had to have it! It cost $0.99 ($1.05 with tax). He went up to the till, and the sales lady was very obliging! Adam said, "I have eight monies!" and plunked all of his quarters down on the counter. Well, he was so excited when the cashier gave him some of it back (and some dimes and nickels as his change too!).

He was so excited to come home and show me his purchase and to tell me that the cashier had given him some money back as well.

It is so wonderful to see him excited. I just can't believe the maternal happiness when my kids are happy. It thrills my soul. Is God this happy when I'm excited about something? If God loves me half as much as I love my kids and is half as excited for me when I'm excited about something, then that's a whole lot of love!

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