
This blog is mainly my devotional thoughts and musings about life, parenthood, marriage. I want to leave this as a legacy to my children so they know what their mother believed and thought. My life purpose is to know and love God and to serve Him whole-heartedly. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5, 6

Wednesday 30 January 2008

On Joy

I've been catching up on my "Living Beyond Yourself" homework (Beth Moore) for Renew. I missed a bunch while I was sick, so now I'm trying to get a few lessons done each day.

Today's study was about joy, specifically the joy that comes from knowing our names are written in Heaven. Wow. Beth Moore emphasizes that salvation belongs to God. I never really thought about the significance of that until today. "Salvation belongs to our God who sits upon the throne..." (Revelation 7:10). Why is it important that salvation belongs to God and not to us? Because it is His gift to us. If it didn't belong to Him, then He wouldn't be able to give it to us. "It is a gift of GRACE that we have the privilege to accept." (Beth Moore)

Beth also states that "recognizing that salvation belongs to Christ helps to get us out of ourselves." How often do I focus on me, me, me? It's not about me!

Here's another other sobering thought from Beth based on 2 Peter 3:3 - 7: "A moment will come, at the ushering in of eternity, when every lost man and woman will be confronted with the staggering loss of his or her salvation... The lost will suffer a horrible threefold realization: they will realize that He is LORD, that they are LOST and that it's too LATE."

That certainly puts things into perspective. Why do I worry about "offending" people by sharing the gospel with them? This life is but a breath. Eternity is forever. Do I want the guilt on my conscience of knowing some of my friends and family could be facing an eternity without the Lord just because I'm afraid of offending them? The joy they could have of knowing their names are written in the Book of Life pales in comparison to my discomfort. Again, it's not about me!

1 comment:

Living Beyond said...

Wasn't that a powerful lesson?!! I felt the same way you do when I did my lesson. I did this study over the summer - each Saturday I would drive to this retreat place 10 mins north of Stony - and I'd sit outside in the grounds and do my study. BUT what amazes me now is that although I did the homework in the summer - the everyday application hits me with each week that I do the study with the Thursday night group. Each fruit we study has a powerful application FOR THAT WEEK. On the week we did Love I had to love somebody even though they didn't love me back (Love never Fails), Joy was a week where I truly needed to focus on my eternal inheritance and the joy set before me cos it was challenging week, Peace - the same thing - in fact I asked the girls if they were experiencing the same thing and they all said yes - which absolutely encouraged me b/c it meant the Spirit is truly at work living out His fruit in us (Yeah God)

Warning - wait til you get to patience - it's gonna near kill ya!! lol - let me know when you do and I'll pray for you that week!!!

Great post!